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Stan Fish
Born:  September 14, 1926
Died:  July 12, 2015
KWGB Rhythm Jamboree Bandwagon
WGY Radio Ranch

About The Artist

Stan Fish was said to be one of the top steel guitar players around. He also did some Hawaiian vocals which the listeners enjoyed, too. He learned to do that type of vocalizing while he was serving in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific. He was also the arranger for the KWGB Rhythm Jamboree Bandwagon show.

Stan was also at one time featured with Hal "Lone Pine" and Betty Cody on RCA Victor and Robin records and shows, seen and heard throughout Canada and New England.

Credits & Sources

  • Country Song Roundup No. 53, December 1957, American Folk Publications, Inc., Derby, CT.

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