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Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Uncle Ezra
Born:  September 27, 1888
Died:  March 25, 1959
WLS National Barn Dance
WEAF Chicago, IL
WTAM Cleveland, OH
WTMJ Milwaukee, WI (1931)

About The Artist

Uncle Ezra, the Old Jumpin' Jenny Wren was the howner and operator of Station E-Z-R-A. He ran the 'station', that was a "...powerful little five-watter down in Rosedale, the friendly little city."

Some of his famous lines was "Ain't missed anything, have I?" Became famous with a tardy Barn Dance entrance.

Because he helped keep Coles County, Illinois known, when the state of Illinois dedicated the farm that was once owned by Abraham Lincoln's father as a public park, they invited Uncle Ezra to be a part of the festivities.

Uncle Ezra used "quaint humor and kindly philosophy" to endear him to thousands of radio listening fans. If you think a bit, it is perhaps of characters like this from the old Barn Dance shows that Garrison Keillor might be following in their footsteps. his faithful Miss Cecilie (who was his wife in real life).

Timeline and Trivia Notes

  • Real name was Patrick Barrett
  • Wife was Miss Cecilie
  • When he was six, played Little Lord Fauntleroy on the stage

Appearance History This Month

Recordings (78rpm/45rpm)
Rec. No. Side Song Title
  8615 A At The Old Maid's Ball
  8615 B They Go Wild Simply Wild

Artist Lists


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