Hillbilly-Music.com - Keeping Country Music History Alive
Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Claude Sharpe
Born:  July 20, 1902
Died:  September 30, 1969
WSM Grand Ole Opry
WSM Nashville, TN

About The Artist

Sorry to say we don't have anything here for you to read about Claude Sharpe. That's either because we haven't got it finished or we haven't found anything yet.

If you have any information you can share with us such as news or magazine articles, books, song folios, photos, etc., send it along!

You can contact us at [email protected].

Recordings (78rpm/45rpm)
Rec. No. Side Song Title
  20014 A I've Been Listening
  20014 B Precious Memories
  20101 A Birmingham Jail
  20101 B Mandy Lee
  20372 A Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming
  20372 B Beautiful Dreamer
  20450 A Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
  20450 B This World Is Not My Home
  20476 A When The Roses Bloom Again
  20476 B Pretty Quadroon
  20516 A Sweet Kitty Wells
  20516 B Darling Nellie Gray
  20588 A Church In The Wildwood
  20588 B Faith Of Our Fathers
  20613 B In Little Red Schoolhouse
  20708 A Where Is My Boy Tonight
  20708 B One Hundred And Forty Four Thousand
  36910 B I've Been Listening
  37254 A Birmingham Jail
  37254 B Mandy Lee
  37924 A Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming
  37924 B Beautiful Dreamer

Artist Lists


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Academy of Country Music (ACM)
Country Music Association (CMA)