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Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

I Walk the Glory Road
Redd Harper's Own Story
By Redd Harper
Fleming H. Revell Company
157 Pages

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"Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Nathanael asked when he was told that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah. Philip's reply was: "Come and see."

This is Redd Harper's reply to any who doubt that a real Christian can come to Hollywood: "Come and see through the pages of this book."

This story of how the Holy Spirit wrought its work on Redd Harper's heart and life reveals how men and women are being brought to Christ, even in the city of studios, stars, and swimming pools, through the prayers and works of individuals and the organization known as the Hollywood Christian Group.

In I Walk The Glory Road you meet the "prayer warrior" who is behind all the cowboys who have been covnerted to Christ in Hollywood, and you will glory with Redd in the miraculous way the prayers of Dale and Roy Rogers, Velma and Tim Spencer and the testimony of Colleen Townsend served in his being born again.

He takes the reader with him to Hollywood Christian Group meetings and recounts some of the many speakers who watered the "seed". He discovered there is a portion of the Word of God to cover every part of his conversion, and he makrs his story wiht mileposts of Scripture.

Finally, at a meeting of the HOllywood Christian Group at the home of Dr. Henrietta Mears, Redd learned what the Apostle John meant when he said, "God is love," and the life of the new Redd Harper was begun.

Here is the personal, true story of the man who played the title role in the Billy Graham film, "Mr. Texas". Here is thrilling testimony of how Christ speaks through the lives of His own, wherever they may be, to win others to his joy.


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