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Who George (Rusty) Bertolero; Sagebrush Serenaders
What George (Rusty) Bertolero, of Popular Central California Country Group Sagebrush Serenaders, Passes Away at 92
When October 2, 2008
Where Modesto, CA

SEPT. 6, 1916 - OCT. 2, 2008 Age 92, passed away in Modesto. Survived by his son Myron Bertolero; 2 step children, Dorothy Galloway and Robert Snyder. No Services. Salas Brothers Chapel, Directors.

The Modesto Bee obituary did not provide much details about Mr. Bertolero's country music career in its short mention, so allow us to provide some details.

Mr. Bertolero was known as Rusty back in the late 1940s, early 1950s when he was part of the Sagebrush Serenaders group that entertained the audiences over radio stations in Stockton and Modesto, California.

The group appeared at local venues such as the California Ballroom on Saturday nights, the Growers Hall in Stockton on Sunday nights, and a place in Richmond on Wednesday nights. Weekends would find the group appearing at the Sylvan Clubhouse in Modesto.

Rusty wrote a few tunes in his prime. One tune got the attention of the Country Music Hall of Fame Western Swing legend, Bob Wills - I'm Human Same As You. Bob wanted to buy the tune, but Rusty thought he'd rather keep himself as the author. He later also wrote the tune Rendezvous Bend and Break of Dawn. The BMI database will show him as Rusty Jorge, the name he used as a songeriter.

Earlier in 2008, the last two members of the Sagebrush Serenaders got together in Modesto to relive old acquaintances, memories and sing a few more of those familiar melodies. Ernie Kornoyer paid Rusty a visit.

Ernie wanted to attend Rusty's memorial service, but his health prevented him from doing so. Ernie is now the sole surviving member of the central California group, the Sagebrush Serenaders.

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Modesto Bee


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