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Hillbilly-Music Folio Display

Coy McDaniel
Born:  December 8, 1922
WATV Garden State Jamboree
Veteran U. S. Army

About The Artist

Coy McDaniel Coy McDaniel was known for his "4 in 1" guitar playing. He was a recording artist for MGM during the mid-1950s. He was also a stellar member of Smokey Warren's Western Rangers.

Some of the recordings he did for MGM included: "Devil's Dream", "Old Joe Clark", "Riding The Flop-Eared Mule", "Forgotten", "King-Size Kisses", "Hasty Wedding" and in 1954, his current release at the time was "Sweet Guitar Waltz" along with "Hoedown".

They said he utilized a "...multiple recording technique at all times—hence the "4 in 1" nickname.

Credits & Sources

  • Country Song Roundup No. 32; June 1954; American Folk Publications, Inc.; Derby, CT.

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Recordings (78rpm/45rpm)

Rec. No. Side Song Title
  11243 A Devil's Dream
  11243 B Old Joe Clark
  11377 A Flop-Eared Mule
  11377 B Forgotten (By The One I Can't Forget)
  11451 A Hasty Wedding
  11451 B King-Size Kisses
  11808 A Sweet Guitar Waltz
  11808 B Hoedown

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